© University of Liverpool 2019

Kit - safety

Depending on the nature of your work and expected conditions you may need to take other safety equipment in the field. Try and plan ahead for all eventualities. Remember: Items you may require at any time should be placed at the top of your bag or in a separate pocket. In some quarries it may be mandatory to wear high visibilty clothing and ear defenders.
‘High vis’ clothes A high visibility jacket and overtrousers are mandatory in most working quarries. This is because the visibility from moving quarry plant is often restricted. You may also be required to wear ear defenders in some noisier parts of working quarries. This equipment will normally be supplied by the quarry for occasional visits. A high visibility jacket or waistcoat is useful in many other field environments to ensure that you can be seen if you are immobilised and require rescue.
Food Each day you will need to carry lunch e.g. a drink, fruit, sandwich, biscuits, bar of chocolate/high energy bar, nuts. A hot drink is ideal in winter. In case you are out longer than expected you should also take emergency rations e.g. chocolate/high energy bars, dried fruit. Remember: Do not underestimate the amount of water you will need. Doctors recommend drinking 1.5-2 litres of water each day. You will need more if the weather is hot.
Sun protection You will need to sun screen and sun glasses to protect yourself from the sun if you are working in it for long periods of time. Long sleeves and trousers will also prevent serious sunburn and, in areas where a safety helmet isn't necessary, a sun hat will protect against heatstroke. Remember: You will also need at least 2 litres of water to prevent dehydration in warm weather.
Watch A watch is essential for estimating the time for return before nightfall, keeping an eye on tides, estimating the direction in the absence of a compass and estimating the distance travelled in misty conditions.
Other equipment It is a good idea to carrry a survival bag and a space blanket. These will help you to maintain your body temperature should you become immobilised. If you are likely to be hammering brittle rocks you will need protective goggles. Remember: Only hammer when absolutely necessary. Only use a geological hammer. Never use a second hammer as a chisel. If you are likely to be lifting brittle rocks you will need to wear thick gloves.
© University of Liverpool 2019

Kit - safety

Depending on the nature of your work and expected conditions you may need to take other safety equipment in the field. Try and plan ahead for all eventualities. Remember: Items you may require at any time should be placed at the top of your bag or in a separate pocket. In some quarries it may be mandatory to wear high visibilty clothing and ear defenders.
High vis’ clothes A high visibility jacket and overtrousers are mandatory in most working quarries. This is because the visibility from moving quarry plant is often restricted. You may also be required to wear ear defenders in some noisier parts of working quarries. This equipment will normally be supplied by the quarry for occasional visits. A high visibility jacket or waistcoat is useful in many other field environments to ensure that you can be seen if you are immobilised and require rescue.
Food Each day you will need to carry lunch e.g. a drink, fruit, sandwich, biscuits, bar of chocolate/high energy bar, nuts. A hot drink is ideal in winter. In case you are out longer than expected you should also take emergency rations e.g. chocolate/high energy bars, dried fruit. Remember: Do not underestimate the amount of water you will need. Doctors recommend drinking 1.5-2 litres of water each day. You will need more if the weather is hot.
Watch A watch is essential for estimating the time for return before nightfall, keeping an eye on tides, estimating the direction in the absence of a compass and estimating the distance travelled in misty conditions.
Sun protection You will need to sun screen and sun glasses to protect yourself from the sun if you are working in it for long periods of time. Long sleeves and trousers will also prevent serious sunburn and, in areas where a safety helmet isn't necessary, a sun hat will protect against heatstroke.
Remember: You will also need at least 2 litres of water to prevent dehydration in warm weather.
Remember: Only hammer when absolutely necessary. Only use a geological hammer. Never use a second hammer as a chisel. If you are likely to be lifting brittle rocks you will need to wear thick gloves.
Other equipment It is a good idea to carrry a survival bag and a space blanket. These will help you to maintain your body temperature should you become immobilised. If you are likely to be hammering brittle rocks you will need protective goggles.